The EPALE community book club: the transformative power of education - 2024 EPALE Community Conference
Do book clubs intimidate you? Have you ever felt guilty about not having read the book? No need to be! Then this is the right place for you.
Book Club EU is a book club that welcomes everyone. You don't need to have read the book to join! In this conversation, we will delve into the importance of education, discussing our experiences with educational spaces and institutions, our own teaching methods as educators, and the transformative power of education.
Register and join us on 8 October 2024, from 10 to 12 CEST, to experience this revolutionising methodology!
To facilitate this conversation, we will be using different books as sources for conversation starters, sharing them with the EPALE community and creating discussion groups to discuss and share our opinions on selected quotes.
Suggested reading / reference books:
- The Girl With The Louding Voice by Abi Daré
- Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo
No pressure, just enjoy it. You do not need to read any of the books to take part!
Kriticos Mwansa is a multidisciplinary creative who wears many hats: as a musician, activist, and speaker. In 2021 Kriticos created “The Book Club”, a book club for people who didn’t read the book. Kriticos seeks to create safe spaces for intimate honest conversations, while educating people on art, literature and culture. His hope is to make knowledge accessible to all.
Marvin Agire is a 19-year-old multi-hyphenate creative based in Norway. In 2020 at the age of 15, he launched his own podcast “Marvin's Room” where he converses with inspiring individuals, such Kriticos Mwansa (The BookClub), Jamel Sheik (Founder of “Racism”) and Wes Mapes (Painter). This summer he graduated high school in Norway. He is passionate about cinematography, videography and film. He is actively working on personal projects to further enhance his skills in these fields.
Beren Kiraz is a marketing and communications professional with a keen interest in everything visual. After graduating with her Philosophy/Film bachelor’s degree, she decided to pursue a Communications Science degree at KU Leuven. She had the chance to work with different organizations, from marketing agencies to volunteer magazines. Working in different sectors with international teams, she expanded her knowledge and enriched her vision. She is currently working with Mavence (EU consultancy) based in Brussels.
Chloé Heyart is a writer, campaign manager and creative with a passion for culture, community and human connection. Her background is in communications, media and culture, and her work is rooted in storytelling as she aims to curate and highlight narratives that otherwise go unheard. Even though writing stands at the centre of what she does, Chloé likes to transcend disciplines, learn as she goes and explore newness to satisfy her ever-curious mind. Her mission is to bring projects to life that hold value, substance and longevity.
Nóta tráchta
EPALE kopienas grāmatu klubs
EPALE kopienas grāmatu klubs ir platforma, kas veidota, lai izglītības speciālisti un pieaugušo izglītības interesenti varētu kopīgi dalīties pieredzē, idejās un iedvesmoties no tās piedāvātās literatūras. Grāmatu klubs jo īpaši izceļ izglītības lomu personīgajā un profesionālajā attīstībā. Tā ir ne tikai vieta, kur dalīties ar grāmatu apskatiem, bet arī vide, kurā tiek veicināta diskusija par izglītības pārveidojošo spēku. Piedāvātie literatūras avoti bieži sniedz jaunus skata punktus un rosina dziļākas pārdomas par mācīšanās nozīmi, motivējot dalībniekus attīstīt kritisko domāšanu un izmantot jaunas pieejas savā darbā.
Grāmatu klubā tiek izcelti darbi, kas saistīti ar mūžizglītību, pieaugušo izglītību, sociālajiem jautājumiem un mācīšanās procesiem. Tas veicina dialogu starp dažādām kopienām un uzlabo sadarbību starp pedagogiem. Šāda veida iniciatīvas stiprina pieaugušo izglītības nozīmi un palīdz dalībniekiem pārveidot savu pieeju izglītībai, nodrošinot, ka viņi var sniegt nozīmīgu ieguldījumu savās kopienās un profesionālajā dzīvē.
EPALE grāmatu klubs ir neatsverams resurss, kas veicina attīstību un izglītošanos.
The Book Club EU offers a…
The Book Club EU offers a refreshing and inclusive approach to book discussions, allowing everyone to participate, even without having read the book. It's not just about literature but about engaging in meaningful conversations on education, culture, and personal experiences. With facilitators like Kriticos Mwansa and Marvin Agire, the club promotes accessible knowledge and safe spaces for open dialogue. This event is an excellent opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and the transformative power of education in a welcoming environment. A perfect platform for lifelong learners and educators alike!
Zaudējam vajadzību pēc patstāvīgas izpratnes
Nav vairs vajadzības lasīt grāmatas. Gūsim zināšanas, parunājot klubiņā, paklausoties, ko par grāmatām stāsta citi. Vai tiešām? Profesore Žogla teica, ka pedagoga meistarība - tā ir viņa profesionālā pārliecība. Un pārliecībai ir jābūt savai, vērojot un analizējot gūtai. Arī grāmatas lasot un ar savu pieredzi salīdzinot. Cik vērta ir no citu pārstāstiem un uzskatiem izveidojusies pārliecība? Vai, ļaujoties patīkamajai komunikatīvajai pieejai, nezaudējam vajadzību pēc patstāvīgas izpratnes un viedokļa?