EPALE Podcast – Innovative Strategies for Poverty Alleviation in Modern Society
Poverty remains a significant challenge globally, but innovative strategies offer hope for change. In this episode, we dive into the complexities of poverty alleviation, focusing on the real-world challenges faced by individuals and communities.
Our guests will share their expertise on the effectiveness of different poverty alleviation measures, highlighting successful initiatives and the role of community-led programmes. We will hear from Elisabeth Verniers of Duo for a Job, who will discuss mentorship as tool for poverty reduction. Amana Ferro from the European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network will share insights on supporting marginalised groups, emphasising the importance of tailored approaches for minorities, women, and children.
Join us as we explore how poverty alleviation strategies can adapt to changing socioeconomic conditions and address the specific needs of vulnerable populations. We will also examine the roles of governments, NGOs, and international organisations in supporting and scaling these efforts. Tune in to this engaging discussion and share your thoughts on how we can work together to build a more inclusive and equitable society.
You will hear insights and experiences from:
- Elisabeth Verniers, Advocacy Manager, Duo for a Job
- Amana Ferro, Senior Policy Adviser, European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network
Moderated by:
- Christin Cieslak, Head of Programmes and Stakeholder Engagement, European Association for the Education of Adults
Key Resources:
Nóta tráchta
Poverty Alleviation - look from Eastern EU country
Poverty in Europe: The article discusses poverty in the European Union and structural disparities or systemic flaws that make poverty alleviation primarily necessary from the EU side. If we take Latvia as an example, where the risk of poverty has increased by 3.1% over the past 20 years, there is reason to believe that the situation is much worse. Inflation is rising (by 41.9% since joining the eurozone), as are fuel prices and medical expenses, while wage growth does not cover even part of the inflation. The reality is that in 2022, inflation reached 17%, while average wage growth was only 6.0%. In 2023, inflation was 8.5%, but wage growth was around 5.5%. So, real wages have actually decreased despite nominal wage growth. Does this mean that Eastern EU countries are becoming poorer within the EU family? Moreover, Latvia faces significant issues such as an aging population alongside age discrimination, which further exacerbates the socioeconomic challenges.
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