MEDIATOR PROGRAM - the future of education project summary

Dear Reader,
I would like to share outcomes of our project co-funded by the European Union: MEDIATOR PROGRAM - the future of education. Our innovative project Multicultural Mediation started on 1st Nov 2022 and finished on 31st October 2023. So inspired to share Irish best practice to implement strategies and create new solutions with recommendations on the Polish mediation field!

THE MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT – to improve the professional competences of multicultural mediators in European countries.
- Establishing cooperation with the international community of mediators (networking)
- Collection of European good practices in the field of mediation
- Development of a mediator training program along with educational materials
- Building the position of the mediator profession
- Development of professional recommendations for multicultural mediator
- The work of international experts on educational products
- Establishing European contacts with institutions related to mediators and the mediation market (networking)
- International meetings of partners in Ireland and Poland
- Desk research analysis (data collection, including European good practices)
- Design thinking workshop
- Webinars – testing the developed materials
- Activities disseminating the developed products and promoting the role of a multicultural mediator
- 1 innovative method of work of a multicultural mediator based on AUTPOST methods (program for transformative, multicultural mediators)
- 1 recommendations for multicultural mediators (based on European practices)
- 1model labor code of a mediator,
- description of the profession,
- professional tasks min. 6 educational sets (scenarios of mediation, multimedia presentations, case study of international mediation) building the role of the multicultural mediator profession in EU
Disclaimer: This project has been co-funded with support of European Union. This material reflects solely the views of authors. European Union is not responsible for any use of the information presented and publish therein.
Download all our materials in Polish and English and share it with your stakeholders!