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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


CREDinGREEN policy paper: “Next stop: final destination? How education can help tourism meet the European Green Deal targets”

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Michael Schwaiger

The CREDinGREEN project has been working for 2 years on how sustainable tourism can support the achievement of the European GREEN DEAL objectives. In the course of the project we have learned a lot about the subject and developed a wide range of products to introduce Green Deal standards and objectives into the training programmes of professionals, but also to change the attitudes and behaviour of all of us as tourists.

In order to share our experiences and lessons learned with others, especially policy makers, we have gathered more than 50 authors and published this policy paper. It gives an insight into approaches from different countries and presents more than 20 EU best practice projects working in this area. There is a particular focus on how micro-credentials can be used in line with EU education policy - something that really gave us a headache. 

In particular, policy makers and others responsible for European education and funding policy will find this paper a rich source of information on the state of the art and innovative developments. They are encouraged to incorporate these into their own policy decisions so that resource-intensive tourism can also make a better contribution to accelerating the achievement of the Green Deal objectives.

For more information please see


Resource Details
CREDinGREEN policy paper.
ISBN: 978-3-200-09667-7
Auteur de la ressource
CREDinGREEN project group
Type de ressource
Likeme (1)


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