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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe



ACUFADE is a regional NGO from Tenerife - Canary Islands (Spain) - with long year experience in the area of elderly-care and active aging. Our mission is to provide care and to promote an active and healthy lifestyle for the elderly people without resources and/or with physical disabilities. We are currently implementing various projects related to digitalisation, volunteering, nutrition... In addition we are responsible for the implementation of the caretaker system in Canaries, focusing on providing training and legal support to non-professional caregivers. 

One of our future objectives is to expand our scope and to share and gain experience with other EU organisations - especially in the field of active aging, healthy lifestyle and caretaking activities. Check for more info on or write to

Organisation Details
Domaine d'activités / intérêts
Adult education provider

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