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The project "Increasing the language competencies of the Roma national minority - Better tomorrow"

Associazione ROMNI APS

Profile picture for user EPALEItalia.
EPALE Italia

We presented the project 2020-1-HRO1-KA204-077749 Increasing the language competencies of the Roma national minority - "Better tomorrow" in the show of the Croatian Radio Television "Prizma - multinational magazine". The show featured Duško Kostić (Association of Roma Friendship "Luna"), Saška Jovanović (Romni Aps) and Antonija Bekić (Sports School PESG). "Prizma - a multinational magazine" has been successfully promoting all national minorities for 10 years. In the attachment, we presented an innovative language platform and research on the testing of language competencies of the Roma national minority. The research was conducted in direct contact with the target group, through field interviews and access to online research. See more in the attachment.

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