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EPALE Conference 2019: presentations

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Moderator

This resource contains the presentations given during the EPALE 2019 conference in Warsaw, Poland. The conference took part on 1-2 October and had over 200 national government representatives, EPALE members, European stakeholders and representatives from the European Commission.

This resource contains the following presentations:

  • The next phase of EPALE: A presentation by Wilhelm Vukovich (DG EAC, European Commission) outlining future plans for the site.
  • The EPALE community: A presentation by Faye Hindle-Lewis from the Central Support Service on how the EPALE community reflects the adult learning sector across Europe, and how the site is used by the community
  • The secret behind Nordic adult learning and opportunities for the future: The Nordic countries stand out in a number of ways: happiest peoples, best for business, high levels of trust etc. The secret behind these many positive traits is adult education, but not just any adult education; there is a secret to the Nordic adult education as well. Lene Rachel Andersen will give a short glimpse into the Nordic tradition in adult education and a vision for adult education of the future

It also contains inspiring stories from the following users:

This resource also contains presentations from three of the workshop sessions:

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