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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi

National Support Services - Portugal



    About us

    The National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP) is a public body under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Solidarity, Employment  and Social Security. As a central service involved in indirect State administration, ANQEP has administrative and financial autonomy and pedagogical independence to pursue its official activity.



    The mission of the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP) is to coordinate the implementation of policies regarding the education and vocational training of young people and adults, as well as to ensure the development and management of the National System for the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences.


    Main responsibilities

    The Agency's main responsibilities are:

    1. To develop and manage the educational and training branches of the National System for Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences by assuring the coordination of providers, as well as the monitoring, assessment and regulation of the system in close cooperation with the bodies included in the National Qualifications System;
    2. To coordinate, foster and manage vocational education and training courses developed according to dual-certification schemes, to coordinate the information, guiding and provision network, and to ensure a complementariness of the educational and the training systems as well as the provisions' quality;
    3. To guarantee the monitoring, assessment and regulation of dual-certificated education and training provisions offered to young people and adults;
    4. To coordinate and promote the design of pathways, the curricula development, and the specific methods and materials of dual-certificated education and training provisions offered to young people and adults;
    5. To establish relations of cooperation or association with other public or private, national or international bodies in order to foster the development of a quality lifelong learning within the framework of its mission, and without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,;
    6. To participate in exchange and cooperation dynamics at European level, including the issues of parity in what concerns the education and training systems for young people and adults;
    7. To promote the diagnosis, production and comparability of national and international qualifications that are considered essential to a modern, competitive economy, by means of the necessary structures and methods – particularly through the build-up and continual updating of the National Qualifications Catalogue –, combined with the encouragement of a more active role from the scientific community, the entrepreneurs, other public or private bodies involved in the education/training of young people and adults;
    8. To promote the assessment of the qualification routes under its coordination;
    9. To participate, within the framework of its mission, in the in-depth development of the Regulation System for Access to Professions;
    10. To participate in the development of Initial and Continuing Training Standards for teachers, trainers and other professionals who provide dual-certificated education and training courses for young people and adults, as well as in the implementation of the System for the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences, in full cooperation with teachers' and trainers' training providers, namely higher education institutions.

    The main activities of ANQEP as the portuguese NSS are:


    National Communication Strategy

    • Regional meetings for the presentation and disclosure of the EPALE;
    • Press releases;
    • Periodic publication of news in the monthly newsletter and the page ANQEP;
    • National seminar (October 2015).


    Online communities and interactive/social sections of the EPALE platform

    • Dissemination of EPALE through the social networks where ANQEP is present (such as Facebook and LinkedIn);
    • Creation and supervision of a blog;
    • Creation of discussion forums to debate issues, in a format of "pros and cons".


    Content/resources and user contribution for editorial content

    • Engaging stakeholders in the providing/sharing content to be published in EPALE;
    • Most viewed publications each month will be published in e-book.
    • The authors of the most successful publications will be invited to participate in the final seminar.


    Providing support to multilingualism and translations

    • Participation in the preparation of a glossary of terms specific to the adult education and training, particularly in locations of terms English to Portuguese;
    • Quality control of translations.

    Management team

    Ana Cláudia Valente – Deputy Director of ANQEP

    Alexandra Teixeira – Head of Unit and EPALE project co-coordinator.


    Technical Team

    Carlos Castanheiro

    Cristina Pereira

    Céu Gomes

    Dora Santos

    Rodrigo Santos

    +351 213 943 700
    +3531 213 943 799