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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond

19 juuli

The European Conference On Education

Ühendkuningriik, London
Ufuoma Ederewhevbe

Ever changing technologies offer new ways for us to be independent and autonomous learners, encouraging students to be self-directed and confident in making choices, and enabling and empowering students and teachers to be proactive and tailor content. However, myriad technologies and services make us more dependent on the very things allowing autonomy. How do we help students and teachers alike navigate and curate the vast information available? How do we encourage individual growth while also underlining the importance of belonging and of the reciprocal responsibilities and privileges of education? How do we help students build the skills and attitudes necessary for positive engagement in distributed, globalised communities that so often lead to polarisation and alienation instead? How do we educate with independence and interdependence in mind?

This conference is organised by IAFOR in association with the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) in Osaka University, Japan.

Event Details
As planned
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Organiser name
The Organising Committee of The European Conference on Education (ECE) is composed of distinguished academics who are experts in their fields. Organising Committee members may also be members of IAFOR's International Academic Advisory Board. The Organising Committee is responsible for nominating and vetting Keynote and Featured Speakers; developing the conference programme, including special workshops, panels, targeted sessions, and so forth; event outreach and promotion; recommending and attracting future Organising Committee members; working with IAFOR to select PhD students and early career academics for IAFOR-funded grants and scholarships; and overseeing the reviewing of abstracts submitted to the conference.
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Täiskasvanute õppe võrgustikud ja organisatsioonid

IAFOR > The European Conference on Education (ECE)

The 7th European Conference on Education (ECE2019)

"Independence & Interdependence"

The 2019 conference theme for The 7th European Conference on Education is “Independence & Interdependence”, and invites reflections on the desirability, extent and limits of our individual independence and autonomy, of that of our students, and of the institutions and structures within which we work, teach and learn. We do not educate, and are not educated in vacuums, but in such contexts and constraints as families, groups, and societies; of nations and cultures; of identities and religions; and of political and financial realities.

Ever changing technologies offer new ways for us to be independent and autonomous learners, encouraging students to be self-directed and confident in making choices, and enabling and empowering students and teachers to be proactive and tailor content. However, myriad technologies and services make us more dependent on the very things allowing autonomy. How do we help students and teachers alike navigate and curate the vast information available? How do we encourage individual growth while also underlining the importance of belonging and of the reciprocal responsibilities and privileges of education? How do we help students build the skills and attitudes necessary for positive engagement in distributed, globalised communities that so often lead to polarisation and alienation instead? How do we educate with independence and interdependence in mind?

This conference is organised by IAFOR in association with the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) in Osaka University, Japan.

– The ECE2019 Organising Committee

Kwame Akyeampong, University of Sussex, UK
Anne Boddington, Kingston University, UK
Brian Hudson, University of Sussex, UK
Jean-Marc Dewaele, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Barbara Lockee, Virginia Tech, USA
Steve Cornwell, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) & Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan
Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan

Key Information

◾Venues & Location: Birkbeck, University of London & University College London (UCL), London, UK
◾Dates: Friday, July 19, 2019 ​to Sunday, July 21, 2019
◾Conference Theme: "Independence & Interdependence"
◾Early Bird Abstract Submission Deadline: March 07, 2019*
◾Final Abstract Submission Deadline: May 07, 2019
◾Registration Deadline for Presenters: June 07, 2019

*Submit early to take advantage of the discounted registration rates. Learn more about our registration options.

Submit an Abstract

Visit the ECE2019 Overview page


The European Conference on Education 2019 (ECE2019) is a multidisciplinary conference held concurrently with The European Conference on Language Learning 2019 (ECLL2019). Keynote, Featured and Spotlight Speakers will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. Registration for either conference will allow participants to attend sessions in both.

Jean-Marc Dewaele

Jean-Marc Dewaele

Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Mary Stuart CBE

Mary Stuart CBE

University of Lincoln, UK

Svetlana Ter-Minasova

Svetlana Ter-Minasova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Zachary Walker

Zachary Walker

University College London, UK

ECE2019 Conference Flyer

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 Download PDF Conference Flyer

Why Join an IAFOR Conference?

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) welcomes academics from all over the world to our interdisciplinary conferences held in Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Our events provide a unique international, intercultural and interdisciplinary environment in which to hear the latest world-class research and network with leading academics, professionals and practitioners.

Our conferences are meticulously planned under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programmes of the highest level, and are supported by some of the world’s leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), University of Barcelona (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), University of Sussex (UK), Medill School of Journalism (USA), Moscow State University (Russia) and The University of Tokyo (Japan).

By facilitating dialogue between the world’s academics and thought leaders, IAFOR has become a pioneer in providing the research avenues and visionary development solutions that are necessary in our rapidly emerging globalised world. We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events.
