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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond

22 Okt

COVID-19 beyond 2020: a new generation of VET?”

Euroopa, Brussels
Valentina Chanina

The Covid-19 is a health hazard of global proportion and also a wake-up call to unprepared policy makers who have been faced by unprecedented circumstances.

Notwithstanding the enormous investment in research and in international organisations, humanity has been caught on the wrong foot when faced by such a deadly enemy. While health care systems have had to increase their capacity overnight, other systems including education and training had to switch to remote work with all its challenges and opportunities.

This conference will bring together practitioners members of EfVET and other stakeholders to share their experiences in the face of COVID-19 and the impact on educational institutions focused on vocational education and training.

Likewise, the protection and health of workers will also have to be ensured in a different way from what we have had so far. These and other questions will be asked during the online EfVET Annual Conference. Participants will be invited prior to the conference to share their experiences and to alert the organisers whether they wish to intervene in the exchange of views that will take place online. The online chat will be open throughout the conference so that participants can intervene with their statements and questions.

It is planned that the outcome of this conference will be an EfVET Declaration on VET in the post-COVID19 era. 

Event Details
As planned
Sündmuse tüüp
Ürituse veebisait
Korraldaja tüüp
Muu üritus
Organiser name
Registration URL
Valentina Chanina
Osalejate arv
> 200
Õppejõud, üliõpilased, teadurid andragoogika alal
Täiskasvanute õppe võrgustikud ja organisatsioonid
Projektid ja partnerlused
Eeldatavad õpitulemused
Coupled with these challenging impacts of COVID-19 on education and training is the issue of economic recession which inevitably will bring a new wave of unemployment and the need for re-skilling and upskilling of workers of all ages. Is this an opportunity to invest seriously in promoting vocational education and training among the wider spectrum of a country’s workforce? Will businesses invest in E&T during times of recession or will they distance themselves from providing opportunities for work-based learning including apprenticeships until they recoup their momentum prior to COVID19? Will international organisations and governments increase or decrease budgets for education and training when it is most needed in times of recession?
Osalemise ja / või õpitulemuste tunnistamine/sertifitseerimine