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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Motivated Students need Innovative Teacher (MoST IT)

PDP program is designed for School Education Teachers and staff and offers a set of 4 thematic modules related to innovations in education that motivate students to learn. This 5-days / 40 hours, 4 modules, training program is aimed to support development of teachers’ competences and raise their awareness in the current educational needs, challenges and trends.
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Profile picture for user epimorfotiki95.
|Posted 6 years ago

Teachers’ professional development program "STEAM capacity building”

40 hours, structured in 4 modules, face-to-face training course, designed for teachers of basic education. The course covers integrated teaching skills based on STEM & STEAM (teacher’s STEM capacities development in the classroom), competencies that teachers and educators need to effectively facilitate students' learning process. The course is delivered in Thessaloniki (Greece) by Lifelong Learning Centre "Epimorfotiki Kilkis sm llc".
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Profile picture for user epimorfotiki95.
|Posted 6 years ago