Using Digital Storytelling in adult education
Digital Storytelling method of Anthropolis
Digital storytelling uses digital tools to tell a 'story' (digital narratives). Digital stories are often presented in compelling and emotionally engaging formats, and they are usually 2-3 minutes long. Digital storytelling offers story making and story distribution services that prioritize the power of individual voices. DST creates a safe space for individuals to reflect on the past and present by looking at their lives and their interactions with people, including vulnerable situations and crises through a critical eye. Creating digital stories can provide participants with a clearer understanding of how life events shape, who they are, and the final products (short films) can become learning tools for the authors themselves. DST can contribute to the documentation, capturing, and sharing of narratives that can inspire different target groups and better understand specific topics.
The method can be entirely used for professional development, as a reflective practice, as a pedagogical strategy, or as a vehicle for education, community mobilization, advocacy and empowerment. Anthropolis applies DST in different projects for diverse target groups, including people with special needs and vulnerabilities.
A website is dedicated to DST films and educational materials:
An example for involving DST into our work: in a two year long project titled ‘Breaking the silence: fight against violence and abuse of women (2018-1-HU01-KA204-047751), Anthropolis introduced the method of Digital Storytelling for its partners. Each partner shared the method of DST at their organisation and created DST videos. Altogether, five videos were produced and used for dissemination to communicate information on the project and to spread the news to local environments on the problem of GBV through real stories.
The videos are available on Anthropolis youtube channel:
What can we do? protection starts with education
DST, egy ajándék egyesületünknek
A document on the Introduction of DST is attached for those who want to learn more on DST.
Communication through storytelling