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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe




Despite not being new for Turkey, the procedure about creating a lifelong learning system is gained momentum from the 2000s. In this context, reckon with 9th Development Plan, the 2009-2013 Lifelong Learning Strategy is planned and accepted by High Planning Comity Decision at 05/06/2009 number 2009/21. All issues about education from preschool to education of the elderly, legislations and financing the education, 16 priorities and 68 measures are applied by the related institutions and organizations. Realization conditions of determined priority, measure and activities in related documentary is reported and presented to Vocational Educational Council in six-month period.

Commenced with 2009-2013 Turkey Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper, lifelong learning system is targeted to reach more systematic structure with national and international approaches for forthcoming period (2014-2018).

In preparation period for 2014-2018 Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper and Action Plan; 10th Development Plan, MoNE Strategy Plan, Strengthening the Relations Between Employment and Vocational Education Action Plan, SMES Strategy Action Plan, Industry Strategy Action Plan, National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy Action Plan, National Education Council Decisions and some EU Countries LLL Strategy Plans, EU Commission Adult Education Agenda is utilized. Furthermore, Paper prepared with related institutions and organizations, presented again to take their opinion and finally draft LLL Strategy Paper and Action Plan is presented to Vocational Education Councils knowledge.

Prepared for increasing effectiveness and efficiency of lifelong learning system, 2014-2018 National Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper;

  1. Generation of LLL Culture and Awareness In The Society
  2. Increasing LLL Opportunities and Provision
  3. Increasing Access to Lifelong Learning
  4. Developing a Lifelong Guidance and Counseling System
  5. Developing the System of Evaluation of Prior Learning
  6. Developing a LLL Monitoring and Evaluation System

priorities is given place.

Firstly the importance of the lifelong learning is explained and the education policies and legislations to strengthening lifelong learning in Turkey is taken into consideration. Followed with focused the issues that prioritized to solve and summary about the ongoing situation of the lifelong learning system is presented. At the 3th part of the paper; six priority for strengthen the lifelong learning in Turkey and the measures is given place. As a result the step to be taken for the Lifelong Learning Documentary is stated with the action plan.


Resource Details
Resource author
Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education,Directorate General Life Long Learning
Type of resource
National and Policy
Publication Date
Language of the document
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