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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


TRIAS - Guidance in the workplace

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Rosemarie Klein

This synthesis report was prepared in the project “TRIAS – Guidance in the workplace: involving employers, reaching low qualified”, which is co-financed by the EU ERAS-MUS+ programme. The project is implemented by partners‟ institutions from five EU coun-tries, under the leadership of ÖSB Consulting from Austria. The other partners are: bbb - Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung (Germany), Andragoški zavod Maribor (Slove-nia), Peter Plant (Denmark) and Erudicio (Czech Republic).

The main aim of the project is to set up an effective system of career guidance for low qualified workers, provided with the support of employers directly at the working place.

The objective of this synthesis report is to review the knowledge on specific counselling systems in partner countries and draw the attention to the best practices in the sphere of career counselling for employed adults and specifically for low qualified employees. Based on that, the appropriate approaches will be identified and developed for training of career counsellors in provision of career counselling to low qualified in their working environment.

The other purpose of the report is to show the state of the art in selected European coun-tries to stakeholders (Guidance / Adult Education Stakeholder & Community of Practice).

(citation from the introduction of the report)

Resource Details
Resource author
Rudolf Götz, Franziska Haydn, Andreas Polsterer, Martina Kolmeriva, Jarmila Modra, Jana Vanova, Rosemaire Klein, Gerhard Reutter, Peter Plant, Anita Brglez, Alenka Sagadin Mlinaric
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
Publication Date
Language of the document
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