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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


SIAE Newsletter Spring 2021 is out

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Ana Peklenik
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The Spring issue of the SIAE Newsletter contains articles portraying activities in the field of adult learning and education (ALE) in Slovenia and beyond. Among other actions, we joined the five-year ‘We are ALE’ campaign that was launched on 22 March to connect ALE stakeholders from all over the world.

We report on issuing manuals and publications, as the Adult Education Act obliged us to start implementing public service. With the last two booklets we completed the collection On the Path to a Successful Life.

Naslovnica SIAE Newsletter Spring 2021.

Read also other articles and learn about the inclusion of Slovenian projects in the European educational space.

Ana Peklenik is employed at the Promotion and Information Unit of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, where she is mainly engaged in library and documentation activities. Ana is also the editor of the SIAE Newsletter.

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