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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Meeting Legislative and Governance Compliance during Covid-19

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EPALE Ireland

FET colleges were challenged by Covid-19 to meet all legislative, governance, and compliance requirements off-site. This involved a transformation of face-to-face FET provision to a fully remote model overnight. This article details how management and staff of Ballyfermot College of Further Education achieved a smooth transition in the crisis.

Ireland’s Education Yearbook has established itself as the indispensable guide to the world of education in Ireland, bridging the gap between practitioners, managers, researchers and policy-makers.

The mission of Ireland’s Education Yearbook is to record, year-on-year, in print and online, the story of Irish education. A think-tank on teaching and learning, the Yearbook aims to engage the education community in debate and to constitute a catalyst for positive progress in the Irish education system.


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Education Matters
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Likeme (1)

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