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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


A Guide to Intergenerational Learning

Profile picture for user nkinnpek.

As a part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project in adult education "Generations in Interaction" (2018-21), project partners developed in cooperation a training guide titled "Generations in Interaction: A guide to intergenerational learning.”

The guide contains a rationale of the project and some basic facts about the benefits and reasons for intergenerational learning in the introductory part.

The theoretical parts are followed by more practical contents, examples of practical tools and activities, conducted and tested by participating partners. They serve as a tool for users to get ideas and tips for conducting intergeneration activities during their lessons and activities.

The guide has been originally written in English, but it has been also translated to all languages of participating partners; Finnish, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Slovenian.

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