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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The Golden Thread - The Family Learning Curriculum

Aproximar Cooperativa
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

The Family Learning curriculum is set to help prevent institutionalization and re-offending by providing basic, social and life skills to help prisoners understand the benefits of being part of a family and a community, and of the importance of maintaining family relationships from prison. The Family Learning Workshops aim to empower prisoners in their ability to make and sustain these types of relationships. This curriculum is expected to support prisoners not only in maintaining relationships but also in enhancing their parenting skills and building an encouraging vision of their future.

The Trainers' Guide is available in English and other languages:

Part 1 - 

Part 2 - 

As well as the Students' Handbook: 


Resource Details
Resource author
The Golden Thread Project
Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
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