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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Erasmus+ KA 2 RISE - Realising Integration through Social Enterprise: Best Practice Guidelines

Profile picture for user EU WAREHOUSE.
Kerstin Weertz

Erasmus+ KA 2 RISE - Realising Integration through Social Enterprise 2018-2020

The results of our RISE-projects have been published! Please feel free to use and share them. Comments are always welcome!

The collection of 27 best practices from the seven partner countries Greece, Romania, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Portugal Ireland is one result of our intensive project work.

The European consortium consists of:

  • VHS Wien - Die Wiener Volkshochschulen, Austria (lead partner);
  • EU WAREHOUSE, Brussels, Belgium;
  • Hamburger Volkshochschule, Germany;
  • Insignare, Portugal;
  • Limerick & Clare  - Education and Training Board, Ireland;
  • Dafni kek, Patras, Greece;
  • Media partners, Cluj, Romania.

We wanted to give an overview of the different approaches, different models created under different conditions to inspire ourselves, interested NGOs and other stakeholders in Europe.

We put the focus on integrating vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, e.g. the (long time) unemployed, migrants and refugees, the older generation.

The demanding economic situation in Europe, due to Covid19, asks for many different answers to overcome this crisis.

We are convinced that social enterprises can deliver answers we need for Europe.

The best practice examples we gathered during the 18+4 months of project work shall inspire to start up a social enterprise. If so the intention of our work has been fulfilled.

Please find the full guidelines with all the best practice examples on our website:

Resource Details
Resource author
Herbert Depner, VHS Wien (project manager) and all partners.
Type of resource
Publication Date
Language of the document
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