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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


E-book: Creating an Interactive 3D Virtual Learning Space to Foster Adults’ Media and Information Literacy: A Case Study

Paula Al-Hmiedat
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The E-Book explores the strategies, tools and experiences developed through the Erasmus+ project “ALiVE: A learning community in the metaverse” to foster the MIL competencies of adults over 45 in Europe. It describes:

  • a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with six interactive learning stations focused on: media literacy, digital content creation, online safety, and digital citizenship; 
  • the methodological framework of MIL competencies tailored for adults over 45;
  • the self-assessment tool to evaluate the digital competencies of adults over 45;
  • and pilot tests in Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Spain to validate the above results.

The eBook also aims to provide a roadmap for educational institutions, policymakers, and other stakeholders looking to implement similar digital learning tools in their programs and initiatives. It provides case studies from various contexts to better illustrate possible uses and outcomes of the ALIVE project results. 

Resource Details
Resource author
Alive Project:
Type of resource
Case Study
Publication Date
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