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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



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[Translation : EPALE France]


The Shift Project has published the third part of their research on the environmental impact of digital technology: "Deploying digital sobriety". The documents below are in French, but can be very interesting for the French-speaking AL professionals.

·         Download the Full report (120p)

·         Download the Summary for decision makers (4p)

·         Download the appendices and discover the STERM model on Github

The first two reports, "Lean ICT: Towards digital sobriety" (2018) and "Climate crisis: The unsustainable use of online video" (2019), have enabled Shift to define its vision of the concept of digital sobriety. The findings thus established have fuelled, in particular through the production of figures, an awareness of the importance of the environmental footprint of digital technology, its worrying increase and the systemic reasons that lead to this situation.

This third report aims to propose operational methodological frameworks for implementing digital sobriety: in public strategies and policies, in companies, in private domain usage systems.

Resource Details
Rapport sobriété numérique The Shift Project.
Resource author
The Shift Project
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
Publication Date
Language of the document
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