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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


CINAMON: E-learning and tool repository for climate managers

Vera Besse

Under the title “Spice up your digital analytical skills for Climate Action and Monitoring” the educational project CINAMON offers e-learning and a library of tools to enhance skills in communicating, implementing and monitoring climate protection and climate change adaptation measures. 

The e-learning consists of two parts, each with six modules:

  • The course Digital Climate Action and Campaigning covers the fundamentals of fact-based climate communication, including digital strategies. Participants will gain skills to advocate for climate action projects in various contexts and join forces with others.
  • The course Digital Climate Impact Measurement equips participants with the skills to collect and draw meaningful conclusions from climate data and digitally monitor and optimize climate action measures. 

The Climate Action Tool offers a curated selection of tools to support climate-related work, from guidelines and carbon footprint calculators to advanced calculation tools, databases, games, and media resources. Users can browse the full list or filter tools based on criteria such as usage area, language, user type, costs, and features.

The primary target groups are decision-makers in municipalities, as well as (2) public and private organizations of all sizes and sectors. Participants will develop key competencies in campaigning and enhance their qualifications for roles such as Climate Protection Officer, Climate and Energy Manager, or Energy Consultant. They also receive guidance in developing projects within their areas of responsibility.

The courses are freely accessible as open educational resources. They are available in English, Hungarian, Italian, and German. Each course takes approximately 40 hours and can be completed either independently or consecutively. Evaluation includes an online survey and an optional project presentation. A certificate of participation is awarded upon completing 80% of tasks and quizzes.

The training was developed between November 2021 and October 2024 by the environmental informatics company akaryon GmbH from Austria in cooperation with Climate Alliance national organizations from Austria, Germany, and Italy, and REFLEX Environmental Association from Hungary.

Resource Details
Resource author
akaryon GmbH
Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
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