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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


CiE Gateway Good Practices Collection

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Medisa Focic
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The CiE Gateway project consortium identified these good practices through interviews with academics actively involved in collaboration activities and through additional comprehensive desk research on multidisciplinary and external collaboration in education. This approach has deepened the consortium’s understanding of the different models, approaches, and support structures needed for successful collaboration.

Highlights of this Collection include:

  • Innovative Practices: Showcasing the latest trends in educational collaboration.
  • Significant Benefits: Demonstrating the positive outcomes for institutions, academics, and students.
  • Diverse Formats: Providing insights into various initiatives implemented by universities, illustrating the multiple ways cooperation in education can occur.

The Collection is structured around three types of collaboration in education:

  1. Intra-organisational Collaboration: Focused on collaborations within institutions, showcasing the latest trends in educational partnerships within a single institution. 
  2. Inter-organisational Collaboration: Focused on collaborations between different institutions, showcasing the latest trends in educational partnerships among multiple stakeholders. 
  3. Intra and Inter-organisational Collaboration: Focused on collaborations within and between different institutions, showcasing the latest trends in educational partnerships within and among institutions. 

For more information visit the CiE Gateway website here

Resource Details
Photo by CiE Gateway.
Resource author
Maynara Furquim and Dominik Lappenküpper
Type of resource
Case Study
Publication Date
Language of the document
Likeme (2)
Themes addressed

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