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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Career Paths for Dyslexia - A unique full-time training course for unemployed adults with dyslexia

This unique Local Training Initiative (LTI) course for unemployed adults with dyslexia is run by the Dyslexia Association of Ireland , in conjunction with SOLAS and KWETB.

Course aim: To develop the skills, knowledge and experience of adults with dyslexia to a standard to enable them to enter the work force and/or progress to further education.

Course content: The course offers a QQI Level 3 Major Award in Employability Skills.



Modules covered are: Induction; Communications Skills; Microsoft Word; Internet; Career Preparation; Personal Effectiveness; Work Experience; Maths.

The course also offers: Literacy Skills; Presentation Skills; Interview Techniques; Computer Literacy; Lifelong Learning Strategies; Dyslexia Awareness; Safety Awareness.

The course is a full-time course run Monday to Friday, over 9 months. It is held in Leixlip, Co. Kildare, 20 minutes from Dublin.

To apply, visit your local Intreo office and enquire about course KL58F; or contact the Career Paths Centre at 01 606 0009 or email



Resource Details
Resource author
Dyslexia Association of Ireland
Type of resource
Opportunities and Resources
Language of the document
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