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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


From Art to Empowerment

Karolina Biedroń
This project was created out of the need for more inclusive and safer spaces for gender minorities in non-formal education. With years of experience in this field, both as facilitators and participants in learning processes, we noticed that it is very uncommon to encounter a genuinely inclusive space unless it is specifically designed for and by gender minorities.
We dedicate this guidebook to all trainers, facilitators, youth workers, and educators who wish to create safer and braver learning spaces and who strive to build communities open to diversity.
Resource Details
Resource author
Editors: Tosia Federowicz, Charlie Biedroń, Danai Tessa, Zvonka Katić. Design: Elīna Primaka. Photos: Paula Cinīte
Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
Publication Date
Language of the document
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