The ALL IN project, funded by Erasmus+, aims to promote the sociolinguistic inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylumseekers in the territories where they live and work and to raise the learning levels of adult migrants in 4 countries of the European Union.
First, ALL IN carried out a field research in order to bring outgood practices in the field of L2 teaching and the criticalities found in the system in use. The main objective was to highlight the strategies that have proven to be effective in overcoming the problems encountered from time to time by language facilitators in the field of L2 teaching and that are often not codified and systematised.
In the second phase of the project, each partner designed and implemented a didactic module for teaching L2 to adults. The modules are innovative in terms of the type of approach and methodology used. A common feature of all modules is the central role assumed by the learners as the main actors in their process of acquiring language skills. The focus is therefore cooperative learning techniques and on methodologies aimed at creating a classroom climate that facilitates the breaking down of the emotional barriers that often hinder the successful acquisition of a second language.
Here you can find the materials and you can find more information about the project: