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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Inserción al mundo laboral de las etnias más desfavorecidas desde la Formación Profesional.

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Profile picture for user n0093cpx.
Paloma Bautista Salido
| Posted on Fri, 08/09/2024 - 09:31

Ofrecemos nuestro centro, ayuda y cooperación para profesores o alumnos que quieran participar en proyectos de colaboración con nosotros. Queremos trabajar en temas relacionados con la inserción al mundo laboral de las etnias más desfavorecidas, y en especial de la etnia gitana.

Del mismo modo, buscamos socios en Grecia, Alemania e Irlanda para realizar Job Shadowing. El objetivo es intercambiar ideas, aprender, buscar estrategias y colaborar sobre la inserción al mundo laboral de las etnias más desfavorecidas, especialmente la etnia gitana.

We offer our center, help and cooperation for teachers or students who want to participate in collaborative projects with us. We want to work on issues related to the insertion into the world of work of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups, and especially the Gypsy ethnic group.

Similarly, we are looking for partners in Greece, Germany and Ireland to carry out Job Shadowing. The objective is to exchange ideas, learn, seek strategies and collaborate on the insertion into the world of work of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups, especially the Gypsy ethnic group.

Partnership Details
Post type
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Valid from
Valid until
I am looking for…
Adult education provider
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Looking for new consortium members
I am looking for organisations in the following countries
Roma and/or other minorities
Social responsibility of educational institutions
Democracy and inclusive democratic participation
Activity Type
Mobility direction
We want to have a two-way exchange of participants