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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

European exchanges on Family Group Conferencing - ERASMUS+ (KA2) Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Started by | Posted on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 09:56

Gironde County Council (France) is searching for European partners within the frame of the ERASMUS+ Call for proposals "Key action 2 – Strategic partnership in the exchange of good practices". This Programme aims to develop the exchange of good practices, innovative methods or initiatives through cooperation between European partners. 

Gironde County Council's project is called "European exchanges on Family Group Conferencing". 

As a local authority, we are looking for European partners -local authorities or NGOs, foundations...- who are already familiar with the Family Group Conferencing methodology.  

For more information, please contact us asap (before January 30th at the latest) by email:,,  

The Programme's final submission date is 29 March 2017.  


Le Département de la Gironde (France) recherche des partenaires européens, dans le cadre de l’appel à projets ERASMUS+ "Key action 2 – Strategic partnership in the exchange of good practices". Cet appel à projets, a pour objectif de favoriser l'échange de bonnes pratiques, de méthodes ou d’idées innovantes à travers la coopération entre des partenaires européens.

Le projet proposé par le Département de la Gironde est intitulé «European Exchanges on Family Group Conferencing». 

Le Département de la Gironde est à la recherche de partenaires européens déjà impliqués dans la méthode du « Family Group Conferencing » tels que des collectivités locales, associations, fondations... 

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations et/ ou pour manifester votre intérêt, merci de nous contacter au plus vite (avant le 30 janvier) par mail :,,  

La date limite de soumission du projet auprès des autorités européennes est le 29 mars 2017. 

Partnership Details
Post type
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I am looking for…
Research organisation or a think-tank
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider
I am looking for organisations in the following countries