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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Centro público dedicado a la enseñanza de idiomas modernos (alemán, español para extranjeros, francés, inglés e italiano), en Gran Canaria.
Profile picture for user n002vrxl.
Cristina Monti
GIP FTLV is a structure designed to support the policies set by the rector of Besançon academy. As a tool for continuing education, our activities naturally involve the Lifelong Learning network.
Profile picture for user n003xy1m.
michael langlet
It is a Secondary Education School but it also offers the teaching for adult people and vocational training courses.
Lorena Montes Ruiz
The Islamic Culture Foundation (FUNCI) is a Spanish Cultural Foundation and NGO of a scientific-cultural, independent and non-profit nature. It was founded in 1982 with the aim of promoting dialogue and building bridges between different cultures and religions, aware of the ne...