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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Sunrise France


Sunrise  France is a non-governmental association based in Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. The organisation implements actions both at local and international level. The activities undertaken by the organization aim to ensure long-term fulfilment of youngsters and adults, inspire lifelong learning and to promote tolerance and integration in a globalised world. Sunrise Project mission is to inspire and empower young people and adults to find their inner self, discover and make use of their full potential to find inner joy and happiness in the long term.
The actions implemented by the organization aim to ensure long-term fulfilment of youngsters and adults, inspire lifelong learning and to promote tolerance and integration in a globalised world. We firmly believe that young people have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of the world. And an important role in the formation of these young people is represented by their education. This education can’t be all provided in schools. Therefore, our organisation implements different non-formal activities that involve young people. Our NGO is developing different methods to combat some of the biggest challenges our society is facing: stereotypes, unemployment, racism, social exclusion, lack of personal awareness. By the actions we develop we help our beneficiaries reach personal fulfilment and the joy to live.
Another important challenge our NGO addresses is the education. We believe that young people who only acquire knowledge in the formal education system cannot compete with the challenges that the future will bring. Young people should be taught something unique so that a machine can never catch up with them. Youngsters should acquire soft skills like: values, creativity, believing, independent thinking, teamwork, care for others and kindness. Our organisation activities are based on these principles and strive to teach people how to think, not what to think.

At the current moment we offer educational workshops for youth and young adults that aim at developing soft skills, entrepreneurial abilities, digital skills, critical thinking and life management tools. These workshops are offered regular to youngsters in our region – outskirts of Lille, mainly in Roubaix and Villeneuve d’Ascq, for free and organised in different locations provided by the city hall/ private entities. We are in the process of expanding the activities and projects we offer for youth and for 2020 the organisations main aims are: develop a strong brand and its presence in the online medium at European level, to create new international projects and strengthen relations with other youth organisations in Europe and to create and implement a Personal Development Plan for Youth that is to be delivered on a scheduled basis to a selected group of youngsters with fewer opportunities. We are also involved in local events, where our members volunteer and contribute in the organisational process and we help the local partners organise nonformal activities. Our main focus is offering educational workshops for youngsters of fewer opportunities involved in these events. We are present in many events at local level in order to be close to our target groups and explore with them the best ways to help them in the process of personal development.

At the heart of all our actions stands the belief that achieving true potential for everyone is a right.

Project topics & experience:
- social inclusion of disadvantaged groups
- working with orphans, focus on providing them with essential life management skills
- sports for inclusion
- well-being
- peace education, human rights
- developing entrepreneurial skills
- soft skills development
- theater and journalism training
- activities for youngsters living in rural areas

Expertise of the members:
- non-formal methodologies
- positive psychology
- intercultural competences
- international trainers/ facilitators
- projects writing (KA1 & KA2, youth and adult education)
- implementing international training courses

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
National, Regional or local government organisation
Media organisation specialised in adult education

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