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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Stazione Utopia soc. coop. impresa sociale


Stazione Utopia is a cooperative - social enterprise for culture, entertainment and social. Founded in 2010, it carries out activities on behalf of public and private institutions including museums, theaters, foundations, contemporary art festivals, as well as developing national and international projects. Particular attention is paid to developing social inclusion and active participation programs aimed at audiences at risk of cultural and educational exclusion, including migrants, people in economic/social distress, people with cognitive impairment and / or disability. 

It is coordinating:
EMME project - Education, museums and migrants' experiences, aimed at training and refresher courses for museum operators to welcome and promote the contribution of immigrants and foreign communities- Co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union, KA1

 AMIR project - aimed at promoting social and intercultural museums visits led by migrants and refugees with a network of 7 local museums and art collections. Co-funded by Fondazione CR Firenze and Tuscan Authority.

It is responsible for the educational programmes for Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore and Polo Museale della Toscana.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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