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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Public open university Cakovec (Pučko otvoreno učilište Čakovec)


Public Open University Čakovec is an adult education institution founded in 1955 by the city of Čakovec. It is one of the leading adult education institutions in the Republic of Croatia and a member of the Croatian Association for the Education of Adults seated in Zagreb.

This lifelong learning centre has always evolved to meet the demands of our society. It remains a dynamic setting open to changes as well as social and economic influences dictating program structure and development.

It specializes in developing programs aimed at vulnerable and marginalized groups, especially minorities. Significant results have been achieved in the field of primary adult education for the Roma population. So far, over a thousand Roma have been included in the program of primary adult education followed by further vocational training. A novelty in this area is a program for Roma teaching assistants, a new occupation in the Republic of Croatia altogether.

Due to its position at the very heart of Međimurje, Public Open University Čakovec offers various agricultural programs to meet the needs of the rural population. In the last ten years over five hundred people have enrolled in different agricultural programs.

The building is equipped with modern teaching aids. There are specialized computer laboratories and classrooms with smart boards fit for language teaching. Besides that, classrooms are tailored not only for smaller, but also for bigger groups.

The institution has received a number of awards for its work. A key prerequisite for its success and development is partnership on local, regional and national level. Furthermore, it has implemented different projects in cooperation with international partners.

EDU CROSS 2007 – Public Open University Čakovec as lead beneficiary and Public Open University Varaždin as beneficiary implemented a project under the pre-accession program Phare 2006 (INTERREG IIIA – Neighbourhood Program Slovenia – Hungary – Croatia)  entitled “Through cross border education to faster development of border areas”.

The aim of the project was to organize free educational programs for nine shortage occupations (independent accountant, caregiver, farmer-milkman, assistant cook, accountant, bricklayer, greengrocer, waiter and computer operator) and in this way enable human resource development and a greater economic competitiveness of the border area of Međimurje and Varaždin Counties. A total of 210 candidates got certified after successfully completing the programs. The target groups were the unemployed with primary and secondary education, the underqualified employed in the tertiary sector and all those interested in the program – from individuals to lifelong learning institutions in the region. The total value of the project was 101,172.00 euros, with 75% of the funds assured from Phare 2006 and MSTTD, while the rest was co-financed by Public Open University Čakovec and Public Open University Varaždin.

“Promoting entrepreneurial skills in secondary vocational schools: labour market preparation” in cooperation with CEPOR (donor European Commission CARDS 2003). Public Open University Čakovec, as project beneficiary, was granted 226,000.00 kunas for the reconstruction of an IT centre.

“Give them a chance!” (Erasmus+, KA2) as project beneficiary in cooperation with LU Lendava, Zveza Romov Slovenije as well as non-profit organizations Uzor and Amrita Obk. From Pécs. The total project value is 118,645.00 euros.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education

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