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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Olympus Education Center (OEC) is a not-for-profit consortium which designs innovative educational programs, and offers a broad spectrum of training courses and activities. Founded in 2017 in Larissa, Greece, OEC is run by EEPEK ( a non-profit association of educators from all levels of education with over 3000 members including experienced trainers, school counselors and coaches, and adult educators that have delivered more than 200000 hours of seminars to over 2500 education professionals over the last three years.

The main aims of OEC are:

To promote innovative educational practices in a multitude of education disciplines (e.g. STEM/STEAM, Humanities, Educational Administration, Psychology).
To strengthen technology integration within education.
To promote the exchange of ideas, collaboration and the internationalization of contemporary teaching and learning approaches by bringing together education professionals from different E.U. member states.
To foster inter-cultural cooperation and international synergies in the field of education through innovative training experiences.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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