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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

MAYE (The Movement for Self-Management and Education Association)


The Movement for Self-Management and Education Association (MAYE) is a non-profit socio-cultural organization located in Tenerife. MAYE has been carrying out and collaborating in local and international projects for over a decade.

MAYE is a transdisciplinary association that is based on the promotion of healthy development processes and personal and community self-management in each context and in each stage of life; having as some values: promoting healthy life practices at a personal and community level, promoting permaculture as an educational, sociocultural and environmental practice in different contexts, promoting entrepreneurship, self-employment and new offers of community services with respect to diversity and social integration and through innovative processes and social and personal empowerment.


_ Promote, defend and attend the rights and needs of early childhood, childhood and adolescence; as well as the good development practices of each stage, in coordination with the whole community, as a basis for the welfare of those.

_ Promote permaculture as an educational, sociocultural and environmental practice in different contexts, in order to improve the quality of personal and social life. _ Promote entrepreneurship, self-employment and new offers of community services with respect to diversity and social integration; through innovative processes and social and personal empowerment.

_ Promote healthy life practices at a personal and community level.

_ Promote innovative and holistic pedagogical practices.

_ Promote and rescue practices of intergenerational and intercultural integration as part of the educational base of each community.

_ Promote art and culture as a fundamental part of personal and community development. _ Manage community development initiatives and intercultural communication, through local and international cooperation projects.


Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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