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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Ljudska univerza Murska Sobota/University for Adult Education of Murska Sobota


OID: E10096058

University for Adult Education of Murska Sobota, is the largest provider of adult education in the region for almost 62 years. It was established as the University for Adult Education of the Municipal Institute in Murska Sobota with the aim of providing participants with general education, professional education and training, as well as various knowledge in the field of politics, economy, science, culture and technology. From it’s beginnings until today, in addition to changing names of the institution and several relocations through it’s history, it has changed, supplemented and upgraded its educational offer. In all the years of it’s operation and development, the University for Adult Education Murska Sobota is the leading regional organization for adult education, lifelong learning, information, counseling, identification and evaluation of nonformally acquired knowledge and learning assistance. The education provider is constantly adapting to the situation in the region, along with economic changes, and demanding modern times to provide formal education and basic competencies that citizens need for their personal development, fulfillment, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment in the knowledge society. We give special attention to the education of vulnerable groups (people with special needs, Roma, individuals that suffer from long-term unemployment), education of the elderly and intergenerational cooperation. In the last financial perspectives, the primary target group have been the employed and the unemployed persons of over 45 years of age. We are very adaptable in business orientations to the adult education sector, because it enables the acquisition of jobs through tenders, which is the basic and majority income of the institution. The most projects that we perform are from the tenders of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. The quality of professional work is directed by the national management for our sector, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. The University for Adult Education Murska Sobota will remain the leading regional and nationally recognized institution for adult education, counselling and life-long learning. We are a socially responsible organization, always open to educational innovations, which provides the inhabitants of the Pomurje region and beyond with access to quality life-long learning, counselling, education and assistance for successful learning. With the educational offer, we adapt and harmonize the needs of the individual and the environment. By participating in development programs and projects at the local, national and international levels, we add an important part to the implementation of the lifelong learning strategy and to the development of human resources as well as the realization of the strategic development goals of the region. At our University for Adult Education, we implement the primary school program for adults, the PUM-o teenage school dropouts program, publicly valid programs for which no higher level of education is obtained, educational programs and training in cooperation with the Unemployment Office in the region, foreign language courses and, last but not least, different regional, national and international projects. All the activities we carry out are fully supported by the counselling service in adult education, within which the participants are also individually treated and professionally guided through the educational process. We also work with the private sector companies at which we train and individually counsel the employees of these private sector companies. We provide participants, employees and lecturers with a stimulating learning and working environment. We maintain and strengthen the trust and satisfaction of our users and partners by constantly caring for the improvement of the quality of our educational offer and our services.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Valid organisation

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