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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Institute for Roma and Minorities


Institute for Roma and Minority strives for a society where the targeted young people enjoy equal access to opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, have a voice in their community and society, whose needs are tackled by the institutions that have a direct impact in their daily lives. Our  vision is based on universal standards and practices of the civil society.  The mission is to empower minority and Roma young people for the challenges they face supporting them with various formal and non formal activities that enable them to become active citizens influencing policies that are on their interest.

We operate through the follow objectives:
1.Roma and minority young people have increased education and training performance
2. Roma  and minority Young people are active citizens in the field of youth and Roma  and minority policies contributing for well being of Roma and minority  community and society
3.Roma  and minority Young people are pride of their identity
4.Decreased level of unemploed Roma

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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