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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

INSA Rouen Normandie


INSA Rouen Normandie is an Higher Education Institution, that operates under France’s Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


The mission statement of INSA Rouen includes::

  • The initial academic training and continuing education of engineers 
  • The quest for excellence
  • The spreading of scientific culture

Ranked as Normandy’s top public engineering school and included among key French institutions, INSA Rouen Normandie plays a major role in the training of engineers in France.

Its mission includes education (10 engineer curriculums, 3 apprenticeship programs, 2 master’s specialization® degrees), research (8 laboratories) and the spreading of scientific culture in the following fields of expertise: information systems, big data, mathematics, chemistry and processes, risk management and industrial site recovery, energy, propulsion systems, mechanics, industrial performance, civil engineering, and urban design and planning.

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