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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Torrejón de Ardoz


To whom it might concern,

I'm part of the managerial staff of a publicly-funded language school for adults in Madrid (Spain). We are working on an Erasmus KA122-adu project. We're planning to submit it before the deadline of 23rd February. 

We teach English, German and French to adult students in further (non-compulsory) education. Our students come from different backgrounds, countries and ages. Our Erasmus proyect is driven by sustainability, intergenerational communication, reconnection of people after COVID-19, and multiculturalism.

The school's teachers that are involved in the proyect would love to visit your institution as observers (jobshadowing). We could have you as observers in our school as well. 

Looking forward to your reply.


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Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Valid organisation

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