Education, Research & Consultancy Center (VšĮ "Švietimo, tyrimų ir konsultacijų centras")
Education, Research & Consultancy Center (ERCC) has been working in the field of adult education for 13 years. Organisation was established in 2006 as a consortium of university lecturers having experience in teaching of employees of business companies, psychology and project management. The main topics of training are the following:
1. Communication (intercultural, at the workplace, in social and health institutions, between different generations, with adults having mental disorders).
2. Conflicts Resolving.
3. Team Building.
4. Leadership.
5. Time Management.
Special fields of interest of ERCC:
1. Tourism. We can provide training for employees of small tourism companies located in remote areas. ERCC organises educational programmes and guided touris for tourists.
2. Generational issues. The learners of our training, educational activities and participants of guided tours are the people of different ages. We are doing investigations, what kind of teaching methods are the most effective for older learners and/or for mixed audience from young and older adults, how different generations solve the problems, communicate and etc.
3. Participative and creative teaching methods. ERCC is always searching and piloting new teaching methods, which are active, creative, interesting, collaborative and motivating learners of various ages.
4. We are interested, how to teach intelcultural group of adults, because we often have groups of learners from abroad.
5. Variations of use of World Cafe Method.
6. Teaching of mixed-ability group, i.e. ERCC has experience of giving lessons, various educational activites and guided tours for people with mental and/or physical disorders and healthy adults (in one group).