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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

EAFC Rixensart


The school is spread over 3 campuses (Rixensart, Court-Saint-Etienne and Jodoigne) in the province of Walloon Brabant, very close to Brussels. 

EAFC Rixensart offers a range of training courses for adults in the following fields: IT, ambulance service, floral art, graphic arts / plastic arts, antiques, languages and Wellbeing. This last section, which includes aromatherapy, foot reflexology, massage techniques, stress and conflict management, sophrology, discovery of edible wild plants, basic principles of dietetics and awareness of the burn out phenomenon, will be the focus of our subject.  

Each year, the school welcomes around 800 students taught by 30 teachers. These teachers are experienced and pursue their professional practice alongside their teaching duties, and are therefore experts in their field. 

The school offers a staggered learning schedule, in the evening, in order to adapt to the varied profile of its learners: unemployed people with family responsibilities, professional obligations and retired people. A Moodle platform supports on-site learning and enables the development of learning in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning). 

Some courses are run in collaboration with external partners. In particular, with FEDASIL (Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) to offer FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses to people arriving in Belgium, and with the non-profit organisation Save my Life to set up an ambulance driver training course.

EAFC Rixensart has already run a project supported by the Erasmus+ agency, particularly in the field of languages. Its director, Olivier Dessailly, intends to lead this new project with the same professionalism and dynamism. He will be assisted by a team of teachers, all experts in their field related to Wellbeing. 

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Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Valid organisation

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