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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Centre For Flexible Learning (CFL), Halsingland education association


Centre for flexible learning (CFL) is situated in Söderhamn, a coastal city in the rural northern part of Sweden. CFL has about 60 full time staff and 900 students in part- or fulltime studies on various levels, from basic education up to higher VET and university level. CFL is a member of Hälsingeutbildning, a regional distance learning network, CFL is also a member of the NITUS network,, a joint non-profit organization for providing college education and other levels of education through local study centres nation-wide. CFL has a long experience in creating higher VET (in accordance to the national framework) towards a large variety of skill sectors (welding, ICT, health care, Wind power etx.). Over the last years, big efforts have been put to develop learning methods for the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills among students. CFL has coordinated many local and regional and domestic projects (ESF, Comenius, Grundtvig, Socrates, Leonardo and moore). CFL is one of five adult learning centres that has been selected as “best practices” in Europe (by a study initiated by the European commission, DG Education and culture). CFL is the national centre for UNESCO/UNEVOC in Sweden. CFL is ackreditated by the EHFA/EuropeActive to train and certify competence regarding Personal Trainer (PT), Active ageing instructor and Group fitness instructor.

CFL is a member of the Halsingland education association, a regional body for public upper secondary education/VET and all kind of adult education in our region.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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