Çanakkale Public Education Center, Turkey
t is a non-formal institution founded in 1961 in Çanakkale.
It is in the city center of Çanakkale province.
The center's purpose is giving and helping courses for adult trainees and also holding conferences to make awareness about adult education.
Public Education Center gives lots of different courses in every subject.
Our motto is ‘ Education for anyone, everywhere.’
Not only we give courses in the center also we held courses in villages and rural places.
Basic courses are literacy and handcrafting courses.
In 2018 we opened approximately two hundred courses; we have twenty thousand five hundred course trainees.
Up to now, we still open courses. While we are giving and helping courses, we also collaborate with municipalities, charities, state agencies, and some different kinds of organizations.
In the past, we carried out the Grundtvig Project and also adult education projects with different partners around Europe. Our goal is to provide lifelong learning processes more efficiently for adults and make more people aware and join.