Associazione N.E.T.
The Associazione N.E.T. is a not for profit association founded in 2001 by experts of the training and educational sector. Net addresses above all disadvantaged people like women, long term unemployed, elderly, disabled people and single parents to support them from a social, training and employment point of view. The association is very active at local and regional level by collaborating with public organisations and institutions like Regions, Municipalities, Local Health Units (ULSS), Universities, Chambers of Commerce but not only. Associazione N.E.T. is very active in the third sector to develop self sustainable and fair activities and to develop a sustainable economy through micro credit by collaborating with cooperatives and associations of the private sector that in Italy substitute the Public sector in many situations.
Associazione N.E.T. The main targets are disadvantaged people especially:
1 young people
2. women
3 elderly people
4 migrants
5 Disabled people
6 Long term unemployed
Associazione N.E.T. aims at contributing to the local and regional development by organising activities and developing sustainable community projects and programmes. Recently the Association is trying to go towards fair and sustainable type of activities developing innovative actions and supporting new ideas. New objectives relates to:
1 Fair self entrepreneurship
2 Environment
4 Organic/biodynamic agricolture
5 Healthy cooking and eating
6 Sustainable tourism
Associazione N.E.T. belongs to 2 important networks, one at European level and the second one at national level:
1. Co.N.E.Ct (Cooperation Network for European Citizenship) - Wide network of transnational partners Associazione N.E.T. is member since 2007.
2. MAG (Mutual Organisation for self management) supporting at national level Associations, cooperatives and organisations belonging to the third sector. Dealing above all with Fair Finance and microcredit. Associazione N.E.T. Is member since 2001