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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Asociación Deses3


We are an organization that works with young and adult people, offering them opportunities of comprehensive training programs, while giving priority to those who are unemployed or have a cultural, social or economic disadvantage. We aim at social inclusion and thus provide the space and projects that will allow people to develop their social skills. We work on different topics depending on our respective goals:

  • To improve the employability of people: entrepreneurship, career guidance, digital footprint, EUROPASS, European mobility for internship.
  • Participating in aid programs and raising awareness about the need of cooperation regarding development in Third and Fourth World countries.
  • Organizing and disseminate training activities and information events on the topic of Health and Disease Prevention.
  • To inform, sensitize raise awareness and manage activities related to the environment. These aim at environmental protection, educating the public, disseminating useful information and ensuring an enjoyable time for their participants.
  • Carrying out activities such as courses, seminars and training days regarding leisure time and more.
  • To contribute to the personal development of individuals and help them to achieve their full potential – physically, intellectually and socially – as citizens. Attention is given to those who are most in need of assistance. These could be people unprivileged socially, culturally, economically, physically, mentally, ethnically etc.
  • Developing Actions and Programs for Social Intervention and Integration.
  • Carrying out Activities, Classes, Camps, Youth Exchanges, Tours and Trips with and for children and young people, linking to the areas of Formal and Non-Formal Education.
  • Realizing all kind of activities in Free Time and Non-Formal Education.
  • To promote activities, programs, projects relating to societal integration and the integration of immigrants into our society.
  • Developing proposals and actions on gender equality, providing support to women and promoting their inclusion and equal participation in society.

In partnership with other organizations, we also develop exchanges and youth camps where participants are brought close to nature. All participants are volunteers who build interesting and innovative projects, on both local and international level, mainly sociocultural activities. DESES-3 counts with the work of 2 teachers, 1 researcher (PhD), 15 leisure-time monitors, 3 leisure-time coordinators, 2 level monitors, 2 trainers and one volunteer coordinator, all of whom work towards developing non-formal education activities. Our team has extensive experience in the creation, organization and implementation of educational and free time activities. These include meetings between different associations (each hosting about 5000-6000 participants), participation forums, debates and multiple other communication tool-promoting activity. All of these serve to promote non-formal education and a learning system capable of transforming the reality that surrounds us.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider

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