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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Learning Objectives in the KA104 project New Plans - New Possibilities

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Anne Marit Bødal

Below we have listed the principles we have chosen from the general part of the national curriculum, Fagfornyelsen. (The numbered points refer to the overall part of the curriculum.)


1.4. The joy of creating, engagement, and the urge to explore

Music, drama, and art are an important part of the courses provided in prison education. We have music courses in Bergen prison, Bjørgvin prison, the Youth Unit, and at USF Verftet (a cultural scene in Bergen). In addition, we have 1-2 drama workshops during the year. In Bergen prison, we also provide creative drawing and painting courses. These types of activities often serve as a gateway to further schooling. In addition, students develop skills that can be transferred to the way students work with more traditional school subjects. In addition, the new Åsane upper secondary school will have facilities such as concert venues, rehearsal rooms, and a library, which give us exciting opportunities to develop the interaction between academic and creative arenas.

We want to develop greater awareness of how we can achieve a good interaction between creative subjects and ordinary school subjects and see all education and training as a whole, in line with the principles of the new curriculum.


2.4 Learning to learn

Awareness of learning strategies is particularly important in prison education because we have many students with negative experiences from previous schooling. For these students, it is crucial to experience mastery in school. We want to strengthen teachers' knowledge and awareness of learning strategies and to the greatest extent possible enable both students and teachers to reflect on when and how learning occurs. Here, among other things, it becomes important to use different learning arenas.


2.5.1. Health and life skills

We want to become more aware of the connection between mental and physical health and learning. We want to help students understand and influence factors that are important for coping with their own lives, and to a greater extent be able to deal with life’s ups and downs. To achieve this, we want to look at both organizational and educational measures. This includes everything from scheduling and counselling to content in various courses, teaching programmes, and interdisciplinary collaboration.


3.2. Teaching and differentiated instruction

The curriculum points out that "The students meet the school with various experiences, prior knowledge, attitudes, and needs". The school's task is to carry out a good survey of the students in advance so that the teaching can be adapted to the individual's starting point in the best possible way. Furthermore, the school must use as many arenas as possible to reach the individual student. We will look at different approaches both to methodology and the organization of training.


3.4. On-the-job training in a training establishment and working life

Work is an important part of people's identity. We wish to facilitate good cooperation between school and working life. In the prison, it is important that the school has good cooperation with the prison workshops in order to educate competent, knowledgeable, creative, and innovative skilled workers. We must also strive for a good network towards ordinary working life and close follow-up of our students when they move on into work practice or apprenticeships. It is important that the basic training is good, but also that the organisation of the training course is well thought out and adapted to the system within which we work.


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