National surveys on the educational needs of digital competences - Bulgaria and Cypress

InDigital: Inclusive digital competence training for labour market risk groups
The general idea of the InDigital project is to improve training opportunities for adults without digital skills, the unemployed and young people who are outside education or employment, by providing innovative and flexible training in basic digital competences. The objective of the project is aimed to develop flexible and targeted VET programs, which will contribute to overcome the existing gaps in access to education for adults to successfully find employment.
The partner organizations will join forces to develop inclusive training in basic digital competencies, incorporating digital and flexible learning methods that will be integrated into the work of both organizations and used effectively in the future. All products will be freely shared with partners and training organizations, in a way to be used in supporting people with few opportunities and risk groups.
The InDigital consortium has designed a survey, that address the target groups (adults without digital skills, young people outside education or employment) and trainers/mentors/experts, working with them in Bulgaria and Cypress, with the option of an English version to address potential other participants across Europe, including migrants and refugees.
The survey was launched in November 2022 and is still open. Therefore, the results that are presented in the report are referred to the period November2022 -January 2023.
The participation to the survey was different in the countries object of the analysis. Most of the participants form the target group have participated in their own language, therefore, the language is a proxy of the headquarters country. Regarding the English version, the participants have indicated the location – Bulgaria, Cypress or other.
The survey includes two types of questionaries, as the first one is for adults without or with low digital skills, unemployed and young people, who are not in education, training, or employment (NEETS) and the second one is designed for trainers, mentors and experts who works with that kind of trainees.
This report has been published in the framework of InDigital project, Inclusive digital competence training for labour market risk groups, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Reference: 2022-1-BG01-KA210-VET-000084442
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