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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Hi-Ability Toolkit for educators

Profile picture for user Controvento Catania.
Martina Nucifora

The Toolkit, together with the training material, which can be adapted, updated and expanded by interested users, includes a valuable learning package ready for future use by facilitators, educators, learning communities and interested organizations. The training content is based on open educational resources (OERs) that partners have developed and selected according to the learning objectives and outcomes to be achieved for each module. The Hi-Ability Toolkit has the dual purpose of training educators and operators to improve their skills (technical and transversal) in working with people with disabilities through the innovative application in a sector such as environmental education and at the same time designing training material that will help target groups to develop skills in a field of strategic importance but also in future perspective. These skills promote the emancipation and legitimacy of groups at risk of marginalization that will result in an active contribution to environmental protection and good governance of the territory and a potential increase in employability.


For further information on the project, visit the Hi-Ability website

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