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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


FIRST-TAC project experts met at the first development meeting

Ksenija Vujčić
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
classroom 3.

From 27 November to 1 December 2023 the first development meeting of the FIRST-TAC project was held in Zagreb.

The focus of the meeting was on curriculum development and the starting point for creating the curriculum was the framework agreed upon during the two online meetings, held in September and October 2023, with the following outcomes:

  • List of the most common police interventions involving use of force and first aid was made
  • Competencies required for those interventions were described
  • Number and distribution of learning hours, rough structure and the list of topics of the future training were defined
  • Process of harmonizing and extracting the list of recommended tactics and techniques that will be
  •  included in the future curriculum has begun.

Based on these outcomes, during this meeting the final structure of the future curriculum was designed, with:

  • Aim of the training
  • Detailed list of requirements
  • Training learning outcomes
  • Learning strategy
  • Assessment strategy
  • Curriculum structure by days
  • Elaborated topics – with topic learning outcomes, topic content, learning/teaching methods and required resources.

Additionally, two days of the first development meeting were dedicated to harmonisation and synchronisation of tactics and techniques regarding the use of force and to making video material for the training manual. 

The same as in online meetings, the exper

ts were divided in two groups – one for the use of force unit and one for the tactical medicine unit.

Use of force unit jointly determined the number and sequence of topics by days,

 as well as developed the topics in terms of learning outcomes, content, required resources and learning/teaching methods. Their third and fourth days were dedicated to harmonisation and synchronisation of tactics and techniques regarding the use of force. Experts shared tactics and techniques they teach in their institutions, deciding on the common approach for t

he future training.

Tactical medicine unit work was based on the detailed content for the tactical medicine unit, provided by the experts from Police School in Slupsk. This material was based on the competences established for the training during the online meetings and it was used in building the curriculum – listing the necessary equipment, determining the sequence of topics, elaborating topics in terms of learning outcomes, content, learning/teaching methods etc. During the third and fourth day of the meeting, tactical medicine unit filmed video material for the independent online learning – which will complement reading material and PPTs that experts will create for the learners at the third meeting.

The next meeting will be in Lithuania, in January, and the focus of that meeting will be on sessio plans for the established topics.

classroom 3.
classroom 2.


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