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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


FIRST-TAC pilot training held in Croatia

Ksenija Vujčić
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The first pilot training within the Erasmus+ project Development of Joint Curriculum for First Responders on the Use of Force and First Aid Tactical Procedures (FIRST-TAC) was held at Police Academy – The First Croatian Police Officer from 6 to 10 May 2024. 

Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, as the leading partner, is implementing the FIRST-TAC project from September 2023 with its partners – Agency for Education and Professional Training Mostar, Lithuanian Police School and Police School in Slupsk. The main goal of the project, worth 250,000 euros, is to jointly create a training program for police officers in the field of tactics and techniques for the use of force and tactical medicine, and the ultimate goal is to improve and standardize conduct of first responding police officers when using means of coercion and providing first aid through the exchange of good practices and harmonization of national curricula of partner countries. 

During the past eight months, experts from partner institutions met in two online and four face-to-face development meetings, during which they created a comprehensive training package that includes the curriculum, detailed lesson plans, descriptions of complex exercises and assessment rubrics, and learning material for the participants. 

The training curriculum consists of two parts – self-paced online learning, which takes approximately eight hours, and practical five-day face-to-face training. The participants thus have the opportunity to refresh and improve their theoretical knowledge before coming to the practical part of the training – by studying the material prepared for them on the e-learning system of Croatian Police Academy and checking their understanding through a series of short quizzes. 

The first pilot training is an opportunity to test and refine the created program and teaching material in order to better meet the needs and achieve the ultimate goal – to have a well-trained and ready first responding police officer. The instructors at the pilot training are the same experts who participated in the development of the curriculum, while regional instructors from the partner countries, six from each, were invited as participants. Thus, the project expands its reach, enabling the inclusion of experts from all parts of the partner countries and their active participation in the development of the final training package.  

In addition to this first pilot training, three more are planned – one in each partner institution – and the next one will be held from 10 to 14 June 2024 at the Lithuanian Police School.


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