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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


CURATE-D: A Game-based methodology for empowering Dementia friendly communities and equal access to Culture for people with Dementia-Methodological guide of CURATE-D project

Konstantina Vasiliki Iakovou
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

This guide is a valuable tool for the implementation of our project since it illustrates the innovative game-based methodology of CURATE-D project on understanding dementia, making activities and experiences accessible and creating Dementia friendly communities within a cultural institution. More-over, it illustrates the basic structure of the learning training guides regarding the training of professional carers of pwD and professionals in the field of culture. Moreover, the notion of game-based learning is ex-plored including best practices and defines the specifications of the CURATE-D methodology and toolkit.

Developing the CURATE-D methodology was a collaboration among all partners based on the needs of theirtarget groups, the objectives of the project and the expertise of each one. The cocreation of the project’smethodology will enable the transnational impact of it and the direct connection with the needs of the target groups.The main target groups of this guide are:-Profesional carers of pwD-Professionals working in cultural fieldThe main objectives of this methodological guide are:
-To conduct a research regarding the needs of partner organizations and target groups

-To develop and describe the CURATE-D methodology

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